Blog: Beyond the Bottomline

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From Desk Jockey to Resilience Rockstar

Unleash Your Inner Weekend Warrior! Hello there, office champions and cubicle conquerors! Grab your comfort blanket and a cuppa, because we’re about to embark on

Dancing Your Way to the Top

Dancing Your Way to the Top: The Art of Career Choreography Picture this: You’re at the Royal Opera House, watching the prima ballerina effortlessly glide

Nurturing Your Office Ecosystem

Nurturing Your Office Ecosystem: From Creativity Desert to Harmony Oasis Greetings, dear professional go-getters! Are you finding your workplace a tad parched in the creativity

Cultivating an Ageless Career

Cultivating an Ageless Career: How to Bloom at Any Stage Picture this: a vibrant garden, bursting with life. Some plants are newly sprouted, full of

Pirouettes and Promotions

Pirouettes and Promotions: How Joyful Movement Can Propel Your Career “The secret ingredient to career longevity? A daily dose of joyful movement.” Picture this: You’re

Holistic Leadership: Nurturing Success

Holistic Leadership: Nurturing a Garden of Success Picture this: You’re standing in a lush garden, surrounded by a vibrant tapestry of colours and scents. The

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On Vision

Holistic Success

Self-Leadership: Your Secret Garden

Self Leadership: Your Secret Garden of Career Success “True leadership starts with leading yourself – to optimal wellbeing and peak performance.” Picture this: You’re tending

Nurturing Your Career Garden

How to Bloom and Thrive with Flourishing Success Picture this: You’re tending to a beautiful garden. It’s not just any garden, mind you, but a

How Can Holistic Leadership Transform Your Team’s Success?

Effective leadership in today’s workplace hinges on integrating several key principles: physical and mental well-being, clear vision and objectives, team spirit, positivity and productivity, and inspiration and innovation. Here’s how you can

Are Unhealthy Leaders Doomed To Fail?

Maintaining optimal brain and physical health is absolutely crucial for enhancing leadership skills and performance. These elements are completely interconnected and significantly impact a leader’s effectiveness, decision-making, and overall productivity.

Is Your Success Holistic? If not, why not?

Is Your Success Holistic? If Not, Why Not?
…What’s So Good About It Anyway?
Holistic success encompasses more than business goals; nurturing every facet of life is key.

Unlocking Success – The Overlooked Secret Weapon

What’s your most crucial asset?
👀 Picture this: You’re in the boardroom, facing a room full of expectant faces, the weight of decision-making heavy on your shoulders. In this high-pressure environment, what’s your most

Unveiling the hidden key to success

Ever wondered what truly separates the successful from the struggling in the business world? It’s not just about skills or connections; it’s about our most often-overlooked asset…
What is it? Nestled inside…

How can you enhance your leadership presence?

Leadership is a delicate dance of humour and humility, a symphony that resonates with authenticity. Infusing humour fosters connection, while humility grounds us in shared humanity. Embracing both cultivates an approachable

Is Your Brain Ready For Creative Greatness?

In the whirlwind world of thought leadership, where innovation and creativity take centre stage, looking after our brain health is absolutely vital. Think of your brain as the HQ of all your creative genius

On Progress

International Career

Leading Across Borders: Challenges and Considerations

In today’s fast-paced global business landscape, stepping into the role of leading international teams can be both exhilarating and daunting. I know that from personal experience having worked internationally most of

Career transfer to another country?

My client was transferred to lead another country. Young, dynamic and already aware of different cultures. Simple you would think? And pigs might fly…

New C Suite Role in A Foreign Country?

New C-Suite role in a foreign country? Not going quite as planned?
How’s your brain? Open or closed?

Stepping into a new C-suite position in a foreign country? It’s not just about language; it’s about culture, mindset, and values.

Battling your foreign teams?

My client was promoted to lead 2 countries on another content. Nice guy, competent… BUT a total fish out of water. ⬇
“Maybe it’s you that’s wrong!” I said to him, at our first meeting. He took the comment like a trooper and

Foreign team not doing what you ask?

Foreign team not doing what you ask them or tell them?
Maybe it’s you that’s wrong!
This is how so many CEOs get viewed as desperate or arrogant.
Do you want to be known for getting the job done well and in a spirit of

Ever seen a CEO facing a wall of resistance?

My client was a CEO sent in to effect a rescue with decidedly poor results and worried about his future. It wasn’t going according to plan, the CEO felt he was drowning but couldn’t put his finger on exactly why. He needed to go back to the drawing board FAST!

Working Abroad

The benefits are numerous: visiting a new country, discovering a new culture, often learning a new language, meeting some truly wonderful people, making lifelong friends and normally giving your career a real boost as well! Not only that you become more open-minded

Working Successfully in an International Market

To work successfully in an international market most people think you just need to learn the language and have a better price – WRONG!
I have worked internationally most of my working life (far too long to admit too – lol) in various industries, businesses and countries, and,

On Inspiration

The 5Fs

Want More Zing In The Boardroom and Beyond?

Want to Give Yourself More Zing Both in the Boardroom and Beyond?
The 5Fs—Fuel, Fitness, Freedom, Fulfilment, and Focus—are essential for holistic success in your career and personal life. Here’s why they matter and how to incorporate them…

The 5Fs: Holistic Success for Leadership Excellence

Back to our journey towards holistic success and leadership excellence! The 5Fs, bedrock of a balanced and successful life, significantly enhancing brain health, overall well-being, and professional performance…

Want to increase your leadership excellence potential?

Let’s dive into a powerful framework designed to elevate every aspect of our lives: the 5Fs. These are the key to a balanced and thriving life. With them we boost our career growth and performance, becoming leaders who

Is Your Success Holistic? If not, why not?

Is Your Success Holistic? If Not, Why Not?
…What’s So Good About It Anyway?
Holistic success encompasses more than business goals; nurturing every facet of life is key.

Unlocking Potential

Welcome to a topic that’s not only fascinating but holds the rocket-launcher to our full potential: brain health. In our fast-paced world, where demands are high and challenges are constant, nurturing our brain health becomes more crucial than ever.

Exploring Fulfilment in Life and Work – Mini Module 3

What have you discovered so far from Exercises 1 and 2 of this 5-part series? I am sure you are beginning to see a pattern through these exercises of what aspects of your values, passions and interests repeat or have similarities.

This week’s exercise is a little different…

Sourcing Fulfilment in Life and Work – Mini Module 2

As I said last week (you really need to read last week’s article before this one), New Year’s resolutions just don’t do it for me, I find life is so much more inspiring and fulfilling with my Big 5 for life (see John Strelecky’s book), together with my 5 questions and 3 words to live by…

Discovering Fulfilment in Life and Work – Mini Module 1

As it is the start of a brand new year, everyone looks to make resolutions for ‘better’ everything, weight, fitness, working harder, promotion to name but a few. I don’t! Never, ever… I fully accept that they work brilliantly for some people, but not for me

On Air

Broaching and succeeding in the field of international leadership – holistically.  Themes include:

  • International Career and Leadership.
  • Holistic Leadership.
  • WomenUP Global TV & Radio
  • Wellness,  Wellbeing & Lifestyle
  • Yoga with Anna
  • Breathing with Anna 
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On Evolution

Beyond the Bottomline

3 quick tips to stoke up the Success Engine!

It took me a long time to realise that I was floundering and not going in the direction I wanted… However, one thing I have always been aware of is how important the ‘whole’ is.
We can’t just concentrate on one thing,

Nurturing Your Office Ecosystem

Nurturing Your Office Ecosystem: From Creativity Desert to Harmony Oasis Greetings, dear professional go-getters! Are you finding your workplace a tad parched in the creativity

Why do you do what you do?

Why do you do what you do?
Do you ever ask yourself that very interesting question? Others like to know and relate. And, for you, it gives a sense of purpose and clarity when you understand your own why!

Cultivating an Ageless Career

Cultivating an Ageless Career: How to Bloom at Any Stage Picture this: a vibrant garden, bursting with life. Some plants are newly sprouted, full of

Cultivating Your Vitality

The Secret Garden of Career Success: Cultivating Your Vitality Picture this: You’re standing at the entrance of a lush, vibrant garden. The air is filled

Thank you, my mentor

We have all been helped and encouraged at various stages of our careers by people who unconditionally give, support, open the doors to opportunities and the dream of ‘better things’, but

Using your childhood antics to step up

“Am I you good enough?” … “Can I do it?” Do you ever dither about a new challenge? Do you hesitate to accept potential opportunities because you are not sure whether you can do it?

Do you think for yourself?

…it reminds me to be me and not to be influenced or pressured by outside influences. I think this is still one of the biggest challenges for most of us, and often without us even realising

Invaluable sales lessons from an ex-mechanic

We can learn the most effective lessons from the most unexpected sources. My neighbour is a retired mechanic who fixes people’s cars, gets them MOT’d etc at weekends as a hobby, interspersed with…

Energise Your Way to Success

Energise Your Way to Success: The Secret Ingredient to a Blooming Career Picture this: You’re tending to your garden on a crisp autumn morning, the

Pirouettes and Promotions

Pirouettes and Promotions: How Joyful Movement Can Propel Your Career “The secret ingredient to career longevity? A daily dose of joyful movement.” Picture this: You’re

The Executive’s Secret Weapon:

The Executive’s Secret Weapon: Why Your Lunchtime Stroll Could Be Your Career’s Best Friend Picture this: You’re a high-flying executive, juggling meetings, deadlines, and the

Dancing Your Way to the Top

Dancing Your Way to the Top: The Art of Career Choreography Picture this: You’re at the Royal Opera House, watching the prima ballerina effortlessly glide

Advice to my younger self…

Little did I know just how challenging it would prove to be. I learnt a lot during those years not just in skills but also discovering and appreciating the rich fabric that makes up our world.

My worst public speaking decision ever…

Contrary to a lot of people, I actually quite like public speaking, so when I think of the ridiculous mistake I made, I get quite cross with myself! At the time I was doing a lot of …

From Desk Jockey to Resilience Rockstar

Unleash Your Inner Weekend Warrior! Hello there, office champions and cubicle conquerors! Grab your comfort blanket and a cuppa, because we’re about to embark on

Holistic Leadership: Nurturing Success

Holistic Leadership: Nurturing a Garden of Success Picture this: You’re standing in a lush garden, surrounded by a vibrant tapestry of colours and scents. The

Cultivating Your Career Garden

Blooming Marvellous: Cultivating Your Career Garden for a Fruitful Professional Life Picture this: You’re standing in the middle of a lush garden, surrounded by vibrant

On Development

WomenUP Global

What is Women’s Wisdom?

There have been sages and wise women throughout the ages. What has helped make them the all-seeing beings that they were, and are?
How often do you see (and envy) someone who always seems happy, relaxed and positive?

Women Deserve It!

As women, I think we all deserve to feel like Unstoppable Goddesses. Some people hear that and freak out, thinking it is melodramatic new-age hype. How negative

What is your Glass Ceiling?

As I sit here in my office looking out on a rainy grey Sunday morning it keeps going through my mind what really is this glass ceiling everyone is obsessed about? Is it the same for everyone?

Career Mum to Glass Ceiling Gran!

This is a very personal post as I have a beautiful new baby grandson who was born at the end of June – The advent of this wonderful new life has really made me remember, and reflect on, the many (difficult) choices I made when I was a young career woman

On Momentum

Ageing Happily, Healthily & Youthfully

The Fountain of Youth!

How can you age healthily, happily and youthfully? What is the key to moving yourself out of any ruts you may have fallen into over the years so you can open

Time passing and the serenity of being older

Is time passing you by? Age sneaking up on you? What do you feel right now?
It is fascinating the different mindset and attitude about time, age and what is considered ‘old’ or ‘too old’…

The importance of being fifty!

“Youth is wasted on the young” George Bernard Shaw. Why? They don’t have the great advantages that you have: Freedom, Inspiration, Fulfilment, Tested, Yearning for more…

How to lead being innovative at 50+

Innovation is important at any age, but never more so than when we reach the 50+ bracket. We already have great knowledge and experience to contribute,

3 Keys to Professionally Ageing Well, and Actively

Unfortunately in some (too many!) countries and companies, ageing is not seen as a wonderful, exciting and valuable life-force of the organisation. Luckily there are also many that realise just what a potential

From Organised Crime to Peaceful Retirement

We were all chatting about life, family, jobs, careers, and as we are all in the M bracket (middle aged, mature, menopause) about retirement. Our host has a rather interesting “career”. His whole life is drug deals, hold ups, killings, gang wars

Slowing down at 50+

Many people think we slow down in our 50s? Why ? Many of us are still aiming for bigger and better.
So how do we prove these perceptions wrong?

The Advantage of Ageing

Where do I start? There are so many advantages to ageing! To distil this down to the most fundamental instead of having an enormous list, I asked my best and oldest friends, what it meant to them as well as my own opinion…

Glass Ceiling Grans 2-0

Christine Lagarde, Hillary Clinton, Marillyn Hewson (Lockheed Martin), Indra Nooyi (Pepsi), Carolyn McCall (EasyJet) and Moya Greene (Royal Mail) – what do these leaders have in common?

How to fly above the silver ceiling

What is the infamous silver ceiling and how does it relate to you? There are two types of definition – The first concerns practical results, the second a mentality. You need to be aware of the two and analyse which is most apparent in your company and

Silver Sisters Strut

They believe in celebrating silver hair; they want to show how grey hair is naturally beautiful, that ageing is glorious. They are the epitome of assured, dynamic women, secure in their beliefs, ageing gracefully and with strength