Dynamic, energising, but also relaxing ~ Enjoy your journey to holistic success!

Focussing on key valuable topics to optimise your holistic success journey; energising your career, mindset, fitness and nutrition. Starting with your lifestyle and wellness analysis, moving on to creating your personal action plan.

The 5Fs—Fuel, Fitness, Freedom, Fulfilment, and Focus—are the interconnected pillars of holistic success.

  • ➡ Fuel: Balanced nutrition fuels body and mind, enhancing productivity and cognition – back to that favourite of mine: brain health!
  • ➡ Fitness: Beyond physical exercise, it promotes mental and emotional well-being, reducing stress.
  • ➡ Freedom: Inspiring creativity as well as balancing pursuits while maintaining work-life harmony which fosters autonomy.
  • ➡ Fulfilment: Aligning actions with values and finding purpose energises individuals.
  • ➡ Focus: Prioritising tasks, eliminating distractions, and cultivating clarity for focus and dynamic action.

Action plan for this six month program:

  • Implement the SCOPE for Career Fulfilment process to identify your strengths, weaknesses, passions and skills. Amongst other things, this also identifies your own true beliefs and values as well as how to integrate more positive actions into your daily life professionally (and personally) … 
  • Identify and work on your existing stress points and put in place your positivity focus to manage problem areas, increase positivity, rebalance vision and optimise outcomes as well as rejuvenate peace and happiness.
  • Set up the necessary exercise and physical activity levels you need during the monthly sessions, (using the FITT principle), in order to meet your short, medium and long term goals. Monitor  progress and modify when necessary according to your evolution.
  • Develop and plan out healthy, energising and tasty nutritional strategies and guidelines that are simple to implement for optimum impact. This will include strategies for specific circumstances and events.
  • We will also identify your dosha (from Ayurveda) so we know what you need to take into account for better balance in all aspects (career, mindset, fitness and nutrition)

Creation of realistic long, medium and short term goals for your Holistic Success based on the SMARTER model. SMARTER = Specific, measurable, agreed, realistic, timed, enjoyable, rewarding

  • Goal Setting – long, medium and short term.
  • Detailed discovery, development and implementation of your general goals, aspirations and expectations for your career, mindset and lifestyle by using the 5Fs pillars of fuel, fitness, freedom, fulfilment and focus, tailored especially for you.

In addition, for the Dietary Habits, Exercise and Physical Activity Profile you will also receive

  • Personalised recommendations to improve each of these.
  • Suggested nutritional changes and why they are appropriate for you including how to best integrate them.
  • Suggested and/or additional or substitute exercises to balance and improve your overall health.
  • Your potential barriers to change and support tips to overcome these
  • Suggestions and guidance on how to use these to improve your focus, concentration, clarity and energy to enhance your business decisions, creativity and resilience. 

All of the above with ongoing personalised modifications and updates each month throughout the duration of the program.

This 6 month online program ‘The 5Fs for Holistic Career Success’ includes the following: 

  • Monthly private coaching/mentoring video call.
  • Weekly personalised follow up, feedback and support email.
  • Regular additional ideas, strategies and support tips.
  • Special guide related to your evolution and progress during the program.
  • Special in-depth personalised workbook.
  • Discounted invitation to any weekend workshops/retreats.

Fee: £985

"Health is the greatest possession. Contentment is the greatest treasure. Confidence is the greatest friend." ~ Lao Tzu

What people say...

Contact Me

  • …If you have any questions about anything,
  • …To find out dates of the weekend workshops or wellness retreats,
  • …To register or go on the waiting list,

Please call or email me. I’m always happy to chat 🙂