The little known secret to an ongoing productive career…

Picture of Anna Letitia Cook
Anna Letitia Cook

Energising International Executives for more successful, productive, fulfilling leadership
International Executive and Holistic Success Coach | Author | Podcast Presenter | 30+ years working internationally

You’ve probably read a load of emails, posts, and even books, with an enormous list of tips on how to have a successful career. Maybe you have tried some (or many) of them too. What did they get you long term?

Honestly? They probably helped in dribs and drabs, some more than others – but how much? And, how long did you keep it up? You probably discovered they rarely work for long in the real world!

There is a little-known secret to success that works wonders and gives the rest of your life a boost too, not just your career! What is it you may ask?

Good news – You don’t need to work differently, learn new strategies or any other tools, knowledge or skills.

What you absolutely, essentially and definitively do need to do is this…

 – You need to choose, and use, the right fuel (aka food) for your brain and body.

Why? Because what we eat directly impacts our cognitive performance and energy levels. If we eat the wrong thing at the wrong time we struggle, our energy drains, our concentration lapses and our creativity disintegrates.

I’m not talking about the way we eat for fashion, beautiful image, to be a health fanatic or super-amazing athlete – I am just trying to help you have a great, enjoyable and successful career! I don’t know about you, but when I am full of energy and my brain is sparking, creativity flowing, my career and business sense improve in leaps and bounds.

As we all already know, not all foods are created equal. Something that we don’t always think about is that they aren’t all processed in the same way, or at the same rate, by our bodies so choosing the right ones at the right time makes all the difference.

For instance, some release their glucose more quickly (bread, pasta etc), so you have an energy burst and then a slump.

Some (like high fat meals) give more sustained energy, but because the digestive system needs to work more it reduces the level of oxygen in the brain, so decision making becomes foggier.

Often, we are in such a rush that even if we are aware that our choices aren’t ideal, we are either too hungry, running out of time or lacking in self-control to opt for the best.

Just to reassure you, I’m not saying don’t ever eat ‘bad’ food, simply choose it at the right time – so wait until after you have finished work or at the weekend when having a groggy brain doesn’t matter so much. (And then preferably don’t go too crazy 😉)

What can help you do this well? Decide what you are going to eat in advance, and particularly before you get hungry. Take a few healthy snacks (nuts, seeds, fruit etc) with you to work in case you get caught up in something.

So, what next? Look at the important meetings you have, and the timing of them and then use your fuel/food intake to help you for those meetings. Focus on the right breakfasts and lunches as these will help your energy and brain levels during morning and afternoon, avoiding that post lunch slump…

Do you have a busy period, or sprint, coming up where you really need to be functioning effectively throughout to get the best possible results? What about a new project, or team, where integrating or managing well could have a significant impact on your career? Schedule your food choices accordingly…

Once you have got into the habit of doing this, it makes a powerful difference to your business results and career development.

Oh, and another point – you might like having a brain that is firing on all cylinders, brimming with energy mentally and physically, also feeling positive and, dare I say it, happy too 😉

More energy and focus equal better career, better results. As I have learned from my own experience: Eat well to be well and do well…


Career and wellness together…  Want some specifics? Get my workbook with tips and insights to boost your awareness here.

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